Community Engagement
The Department of Engagement facilitates connections between Kansas City Public Schools and its students, families, community and civic organizations. The department goal is to build an environment where children have no option but to succeed because of engaged parental and community support. This is accomplished by serving as a bridge between human services providers, non-profit organizations, private entities, and communities throughout the Kansas City Metropolitan area.
Vision: The department will creatively and effectively engage with our diverse community in a timely manner to support the academic, social and emotional development of our students. We will advocate for systemic equity throughout KCPS.
- Radiate possibility while actively promoting our strengths
- Connect students and families with valuable community resources via strong partnerships
- Build bridges that foster transparent two-way communication
- Promote and provoke critical- thinking that ensures equitable solutions
The Department of Engagement includes the following Offices:
- Office of Family and Community Engagement (FaCe)
- Office of Partners in Education (PIE)
Offices & Responsibilities
The Office of Family and Community Engagement ( FaCE ) strives to improve student outcomes by building family and school staff capacity to make school environments welcoming, to strengthen two-way communication, to facilitate and encourage respectful interactions and to increase shared power and responsibility (family, student voice amplified and respected).
Primary Office of Family and Community Engagement Responsibilities:
- Coordination, training, and support of school-based family engagement (Title I) Staff
- Oversight of Family Empowerment Center
- Promotion and support of district and school-based family/community leadership organizations (District Advisory Committee, Parent Teacher Organizations, School Advisory Committees, etc.) and associated events and initiatives
- Comprehensive development, assessment, and implementation of district-wide family and community engagement policies
- Research and dissemination of current information and resources for family and community support
- Identification of opportunities for engaging and communicating with the Kansas City community as part of the district’s overall outreach strategy
The Office of Partners in Education (PIE) is focused Identify, develop and manage partnerships that sponsor educational opportunities that benefit KCPS student, families and employees while coordinating with community organizations and leaders to build additional resources and increase the capacity of KCPS. In collaboration with community partners and Kansas City Public Schools leadership, PIE ensures that the needs and strengths of every student are known, and partner services are differentiated to support students’ academic and social-emotional growth and success.
Primary Office of Partners in Education Responsibilities:
Align and Integrate Partner Services to Meet School and District Goals
- Kansas City has a wealth of extremely effective community partners. But often, systemic inequity makes accessing resources difficult. Through the creation of partnership tools, partnership models, and accountability structures we will better align, and leverage partner supports to meet school and District goals and improve student outcomes.
Improve Community Partnership Infrastructure and Data Systems
- In order to fully support our tiered intervention and supports, it essential to know what opportunities are available to schools and students. This will require both refinement of our current student data management system and support to community partners in using student data to improve their programs, services and instructional practice.
Build the Capacity of District, School, and Partner Organization Staff to Collaboratively Meet the Needs of Students
- PIE is committed to creating and offering supports that build the capacity of schools and community-based organizations to effectively and authentically partner. In addition, we will build systems to better match schools and partners, to support principals to effectively select partners that will meet their students’ needs, and to support both schools and community-based organizations to align services and work in an equitable manner.
Developing and Maintaining Volunteer Relationships
- Volunteering with Kansas City Public Schools creates a dynamic, diverse network of cause-driven neighbors dedicated to strengthening the foundations of education, youth and community. There are many ways to volunteer with KCPS and we aim to create a seamless process that makes choosing KCPS a worthwhile option for Kansas City volunteers.