Here's how much pregnancy tests cost – and whether a more expensive test is worth the money.
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If you're taking a home pregnancy test, you want reliable results. But how much do you really need to pay for peace of mind? When you're buying pregnancy tests, there are a few small but notable differences between various options to keep in mind.
The cost of a home pregnancy test varies widely, from less than $1 for the most basic tests to $14 or more for those with digital displays. Pregnancy test strips are sold in packs of 15, 20, 30, or more. These are very inexpensive – often less than $0.50 per test – making them a great choice if you're a frequent tester. Here are the best pregnancy tests according to BabyCenter moms and editors.
Advertisement | page continues belowNo matter how much they cost, at-home pregnancy tests generally claim to be 99 percent accurate if you follow the instructions and test at the right time (the day you miss your period or after).
"I don't recommend one test over another. Whatever is accessible and available should suffice," says Layan Alrahmani, M.D., a board-certified ob-gyn and maternal-fetal medicine specialist, assistant professor at Loyola University Opens a new window in Chicago, and member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board. "At the doctor's office, the cheaper tests are usually used."
You can be relatively sure that the results are as advertised: All home pregnancy tests sold in the United States are required to be tested and cleared by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), which reviews accuracy claims. The FDA monitors false positive and false negative reports and has been known to recall pregnancy tests that are inaccurate.
That said, you might be willing to shell out more for your test if you want a less ambiguous result – especially if you're testing on the early side. A frequent complaint about cheaper tests and strips is that the display can be difficult to interpret. You might see a faint line and not know what to make of it. Or you could get an evaporation line if you wait too long to read the results, resulting in a false positive. On a more expensive test with a digital display, the results (the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant") are very clear.
User error is a common and avoidable cause of false positive and false negative results. Make sure you know what not to do when taking a pregnancy test – for example, don't use an expired test and don't chug water before testing.
Another reason to consider buying a more expensive pregnancy test is that it may be more sensitive and give you results sooner. Healthcare practitioners generally recommend waiting until the day of your missed period (or possibly a day earlier) to take a home pregnancy test. But some tests claim to be able to detect pregnancy up to five days before your missed period.
These "early" pregnancy tests may be able to detect smaller amounts of the pregnancy hormone hCG in your urine. While most tests pick up hCG levels of 25 mIU/ml (milli-international units per milliliter), some tests claim to be able to pick up levels as low as 10 mIU/ml.
Advertisement | page continues belowOf course, this relies on knowing the exact day your period is expected to arrive, which is uncertain even if you have regular periods. If you have an irregular period, you'll need to wait longer to test to be sure your results are accurate.
What's more, hCG levels start rising only after the fertilized egg implants in the uterus – and implantation timing can vary by several days. If you don't want to be falsely excited (or disappointed), you're better off waiting to test until the day you expect your period.
Local, public health clinics offer free pregnancy tests, including Planned Parenthood Opens a new window . Crisis Pregnancy Centers also offer free tests. However, these faith-based centers have a goal of preventing abortions, may not be run by medical professionals, and may not offer reliable and comprehensive medical information.
Blood tests done at the doctor's office will likely cost more than an at-home pregnancy test. Prices vary widely depending on the clinic and where you live. And it's difficult to say how much of the cost would be covered by your insurer if you have health insurance.
Generally speaking, most women don't need a blood pregnancy test. Urine tests are very accurate. And once you're around 7 or 8 weeks pregnant, your provider can use ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy.
Advertisement | page continues belowIn certain cases, however, your doctor may require a blood test, such as if you're at high risk for ectopic pregnancy, or if your provider suspects you're pregnant but can't find the pregnancy on an ultrasound.
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